Now is the time to improve the soil in your garden. Do things like add compost and wood chips. Don’t wait until its time to plant. Instead give the microbes, bugs and other critters time to grow in your soil, so its ready when it is time to plant. You can search for “regenerative soil” for more information.
Seeds are already starting to sell out with many vendors. Don’t wait to buy your seeds. Order them today so you can get your plants started indoors next week.
What are we doing?
Yesterday, we trimmed my parents’ blueberry bushes. Then we worked on trimming their grape vines. If you have blueberry bushes or grapes in NC, this is a great time to prune them.
We are letting our chickens, ducks and geese terminate our winter rye cover crop in the garden. The are tireless workers to help till the wood chips and compost without destroying the beneficial bacteria and bugs in the soil. Our goal is to continually build better and better soil for better and better crops.
The double win comes because our birds forage most days in a paddock (or garden this time of year) and it contributes to a healthier diet. Healthier birds lay higher quality eggs and product higher quality meat. Some of our eggs have yolks that are almost orange!