Do You Want to Go Camping but Don’t Know How?

Camping is a great way to get outdoors and take a break from the digital clutter. Consider a digital detox and reap the benefits.

I want to help you achieve that goal of taking your family camping. You can read the first of my camping series of books:

This book helps families (or individuals) make that first foray into the woods and actually enjoy it. I share what I’ve learned in a lifetime of outdoor adventures. The book is not about extreme camping or anything crazy. I just talk about practical skills, knowledge and how not to spend a fortune on equipment on our way to a great weekend with the family.

If you want to see my handiwork and the campsite that I designed, checkout


Building our Campsite / Overland Destination – Morning of Day 1

We’re working on the campground. Join us to see how it looks before the heavy equipment arrives.

Where we started. Thanks John Burwell for mowing the grass and cleaning the shoots off the stumps so we could see where they were. That made things to quicker.
Lot of stumps to remove before the new water lines can go in.
The teardrop is so handy for trips like this.
Cool picnic table provided by John Burwell!