Getting Ready for Deer Season (not product development related but still fun)

Non-hunters reading this blog may not realize that preparation for deer hunting season is almost a year round endeavor.  These pictures were taken in March when we were planting a deer food plot.  The plot includes

  1. sugar beets
  2. sunflowers with high protein content seeds
  3. red clover
  4. white clover
  5.  soybeans
  6. Imperial Whitetail Clover™ from Whitetail Research Institute

Patch #1 (roughly rectangular) – consisting of soybeans and Imperial Whitetail Clover – The soybeans grew faster and taller than the clover, helping to discourage the deer from eating the clover until the clover could get established.

Patch #2 (thin strips around the campsite and up the hill) – consists of sunflowers, sugar beets, white / red clover, and soybeans

Patch #3 (small patch across the road from the main plot) – deer vetch and white / red clover – Vetch can be invasive in some locations, so this was a test area that where we can apply Roundup™ as needed.

Look to future blog posts showing off the results.


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Getting Ready for Deer Season (not product development related)
Article Name
Getting Ready for Deer Season (not product development related)
Non-hunters reading this blog may not realize that preparation for deer hunting season is almost a year round endeavor. These pictures were taken in March when we were planting a deer food plot
Publisher Name
Montie Gear
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