Building our Campsite / Overland Destination – Morning of Day 1

We’re working on the campground. Join us to see how it looks before the heavy equipment arrives.

Where we started. Thanks John Burwell for mowing the grass and cleaning the shoots off the stumps so we could see where they were. That made things to quicker.
Lot of stumps to remove before the new water lines can go in.
The teardrop is so handy for trips like this.
Cool picnic table provided by John Burwell!

Getting Ready for Deer Season (not product development related but still fun)

Non-hunters reading this blog may not realize that preparation for deer hunting season is almost a year round endeavor.  These pictures were taken in March when we were planting a deer food plot.  The plot includes

  1. sugar beets
  2. sunflowers with high protein content seeds
  3. red clover
  4. white clover
  5.  soybeans
  6. Imperial Whitetail Clover™ from Whitetail Research Institute

Patch #1 (roughly rectangular) – consisting of soybeans and Imperial Whitetail Clover – The soybeans grew faster and taller than the clover, helping to discourage the deer from eating the clover until the clover could get established.

Patch #2 (thin strips around the campsite and up the hill) – consists of sunflowers, sugar beets, white / red clover, and soybeans

Patch #3 (small patch across the road from the main plot) – deer vetch and white / red clover – Vetch can be invasive in some locations, so this was a test area that where we can apply Roundup™ as needed.

Look to future blog posts showing off the results.


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