Starting Our Journey – Developing Our CERT Emergency Communications Plan

Click on the play button to listen

Our local CERT team is working on a communications plan to cover 2 very different situations:

  1. deployed in an emergency
  2. not deployed, most likely in a longer term emergency or a grid down situation

CERT means Community Emergency Response Team. There are CERT teams across the United States.

We are going to document our work so others can leverage our work and make developing a communications plan easier for other groups. We hope to use standard innovation tools to use the knowledge within our local community. These tools include:

– brainwriting
– brainstorming

Our approach, ideas, and research can help you develop a plan for your local community or other group. Maybe even your family emergency communications plan. We are looking at incorporating the communications elements that we have available to our members:

  • CB radio
  • MURS, GMRS, and FRS radios
  • Ham frequencies, repeaters and digital technologies
  • Internet options such as Zello
  • Other options we haven’t even thought of yet
  • LoRa Meshtastic

Join us on the journey. Just listen to the podcast to follow along!


Montie’s Product Design Podcast: Designing for the Prepper Marketspace

[audio:|titles=2012 – Designing for the Prepper Marketspace]

In this podcast I share how to dig in and  understand a marketplace.  Understanding is key to designing products that fit with the needs and desires of a specific market.

This prepping series of podcasts came about through a lot of research.  Understanding your customer on this level helps you better design and engineer products for that customer and avoid mistakes that occurred because of a lack of understanding of the customer and market.  This prepper market is very interesting.  I hope this podcast is engaging on a personal level and gives you great examples of how to put a market into a context that helps you design better products for that market.

If you like how we think at Montie Design; please give me a call or email so we can help your company with your next product or prototype!

Have a great weekend,