Fun Stuff – EMP Resistant Box

I think its fitting that the parts for the EMP Resistant box came back on the same day as the first night of the new season of Revolution!  No irony is lost there.  For those of you who don’t follow Revolution, its a TV show about an EMP like device that takes down life in America as we know it.

You can see below where we have assembled the shell for the lower portion of the box.


Then we check to make sure the box is square in the fixture.

emp box_inside

As Hannibal (A-Team) said “I love it when a plan comes together”.  The fact that just about everything fit together first try without any major “Adjustments”  resulted in a lot of smiles.

EMP Box_Mike Smiling

The next step is to make a small adjustment to a some minor parts on the bottom of the main chassis, deburr the plates, reassemble and carry to the welder.

Have a great day and enjoy Revolution tonight, as you’re wonder if you need an EMP resistant box too.  I’m pretty where you can get a really nice one to keep all of your electronics safe.

Have a great evening!
