September 25, 2008 Monthly Tech Event: An RTP Business Network Aimed At Increasing Local Business
SIC 38 Instruments and Controls -George King, President, Triangle MicroSystems, a manufacturer of building environmental controls and fuel pump instrumentation.
SIC 36 Electrical Equipment -Bob Luddy, CEO, CaptiveAire, Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Equipment
Each month, executives from local manufacturing firms, product development engineers and people with new business ideas for new products get together to brainstorm ideas for what types of new products may be successful in the RTP market.
Part of the meeting is social networking at a fun place, and part of the meeting is structured around technology trends and markets in the nine high technology manufacturing clusters located in RTP.
It is a huge business community brain-storming session lead by the business owners and executives from both small and big business.
Our Focus On Innovation In The Nine RTP Manufacturing Industrial Sectors
We know that the RTP economy has nine different manufacturing industries. These are:
1. Information technology and instruments
2. Communications services and software
3. Chemicals and plastics
4. Pharmaceuticals and medical technologies
5. Industrial machinery
6. Aerospace
7. Hospitals, labs and specialized medical services
8. Printing and publishing
9. Wood products
You can register for the event at: