Gentleman Farmer, Engineer and Extreme Innovator / Brainstormer
What I Enjoy
Work, Play, Innovate
The best innovations have their roots in the field and shop, not behind a desk.
My license tag says it all. I enjoy designing products.
Montie’s “I Design” License Tag
I am passionate about:
Great Design – through a variety of skills and experiences.
Getting Hands Dirty – Prototype, Prototype, Prototype to validate and push forward
Get Outdoors – play hard, join us for a Montie Gear Zombie Apocalypse Camping trip!
Old School Philosophy – Solve a single problem in a simple way. If you make a product that is extremely useful in solving that one problem, then you generally have a robust product that works well in a variety of uses and contexts.
America – design it here, make it here and love the most awesome country in the world!
Faith – have personal faith in God and let drive your work ethic
Interns – we have the best interns you’ll find anywhere
Putting the Innovative Camp Rack and Tree Hook to the Test at a Montie Gear Event at Troublesome Gap, NC